Saturday, 5 September 2009

Ciah-Ciah - Street Artist

Ciah-Ciah is an artist from Poland, whose work varies from graffiti and sticker art to graphics, illustration and model making. His work can usually be identified by the heavy use of both pyramids and skulls and it's simple but striking colour palette.Having exhibited his work all over Europe, he is now moving further out into the world with recent shows in Brazil and Australia.

He is currently working on a DIY paper-toy project PYRA:MI[N]DS, which is a bit like CubeCraft but with pyramids.

You can see more of his work on his Flickr page which he updates daily and also his website.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, love every paintin, they're great!

    198, Butterfly: Design, Fashion and Architecture:



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