Saturday, 1 August 2009

Bottled Water Is Bad Says Tappening

Most people now know, if you drink bottled water you will got to Hell. Like its a fact coz of the environment and all that. But did you also know that 'Evian is actually collected from the sweat that freely flows from the armpits of Gerard Depardieu,' and 'Bottled water causes blindness in puppies.'?

Well Tappening have decided to educate people about the very real effect that bottled water has on the environment in this humorous and lighthearted way. The website also offers invaluable information on the truth about bottled and tap water and includes a database of quality tap water around the United States.


  1. nice post....

    thanks for sharing...

  2. You are welcome, thanks for looking!

  3. I hate it when I see people buy bottled water when there's a fountain like two feet away.

    From now on, I'm no longer using Poland Springs or any other bottled water. I will fill another reusable bottle on my own.

  4. Yeh, it is kinda silly when tap water is free. I always forget though.x



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