Friday, 1 April 2011

Harper Smith - Photographer

Too many of my friends are off travelling at the minute, somehow managing to find time in-between swimming under waterfalls and rubbing sun cream into the backs of Brazilian stallions (or whatever) to update their Facebook so everyone knows about it.

But now it is Summer in England and the days are getting warmer I can start to dream about beachside adventures too...and the perfect photographer to get me inspired is Californian Harper Smith.

His work has such a wistful and romantic feel, I can almost imagine I am there frollicking in the water (maybe not frollicking...more dipping my toe in then going back to sit in the shade because of my sunburn)

You can see more of his work including stuff for Nylon, O'Niell and Bruno Mars(?) here.

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Trendspiration - Fashion, Art, Design, Celebrity, Film, Photography, Illustraion, Animatio © 2008. Chaotic Soul :: Converted by Randomness