Friday, 14 August 2009

Vice & Levi's Are Looking For Artists, Photographers, Illustrators, Sculptors & Other Creatives

Levi’s and Vice have come together to find the UK’s most talented painters, illustrators, designers, sculptors, artists, whatever to have their work displayed on some really big sites throughout London.

Levi's say "There are absolutely no guidelines for this project, other than that your work should try and capture the essence of what it means to "Live Unbuttoned" - living un-restrained and celebrating self-expression and creative freedom. This may involve freedom, creative expression, full-frontal nudity or however else you interpret the project."

Basically, this is an offer to have your work displayed in the capital on a huge scale, no strings attached.

Take part here.


  1. great to know! i heard a bit about it but now the details... excitement!

    soho is definitely nyc's art crowd hangout!

    so is it only in london & nyc?

  2. I think it is just in London unfortunately, but that doesn't mean you can't enter internationally. Just you won't get to walk past your artwork that much. It is worth submitting if you have something existing to send in...

    You can find more info about the sites here:

  3. You should look at I saw them working live a few months back and they are mind blowing.



Trendspiration - Fashion, Art, Design, Celebrity, Film, Photography, Illustraion, Animatio © 2008. Chaotic Soul :: Converted by Randomness